The SDSC Summer Institute 2014: HPC Meets Big Data will be held Monday – Friday, August 4 – 8, 2014, at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) on the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) campus. Light refreshments and lunch will be provided throughout.
HPC Meets Big Data is the theme of SDSC’s Summer Institute in 2014. SDSC Summer Institute will deploy a flexible format designed to help attendees get the most out of their week.
The first half of the SI will consist of plenary sessions covering the skills that are considered essential for anyone who works with big data. Topics include data management, running jobs on SDSC resources, reproducibility, database systems, characteristics of big data, techniques for turning data into knowledge, software version control and making effective use of hardware.
This will be followed by a series of parallel sessions that allow attendees to dive deeper into specialized material that is relevant to their research projects, with the exact choice of topics will be based on feedback collected during registration.
The SDSC Summer Institute is targeted to individuals interested in data science and computational science—especially current and potential users of SDSC's data-intensive resources. Familiarity with UNIX/Linux environments is recommended. Some programming experience, e.g. In C/C++, Fortran, Java, R, Python, Perl, or MATLAB, is preferred. Applicants already dealing with data science and/or computational science problems are especially encouraged to apply.
In support of the Summer Institute, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), SDSC awards a generous number of scholarships to cover on-campus room and board. Indicate on application if you would like to be considered for room and board scholarship. Scholarships funds are limited so you are encouraged to apply early. Scholarship funds are not available to support registration fees or any other travel expenses.
Registration Fee: $300