I Killed my Cat Today

Phil Andrews
Last modified: Tue Nov 12 18:02:58 EST
	I killed my cat today

I killed my cat today.
Killed it twice, in fact,
The first time where it lay
behind my wheel, broke its back.

Unknowing, I'd left in reverse,
Heard a squeal to break your heart,
Jumped out, grumbling a curse,
Saw the cat drag its broken part.

That must have been the real death,
Not when I snuffed the final spark.
Even though it still drew breath,
That was just the punctuation mark.

Blameless of course; a kindly blow,
Noble for sure, as anyone could see.
But still, I'd really like to know,
Did I do it for the cat, or for me ?

What right to throw another's fight ?
To choose when they must embark ?
Does not the tiniest, hurting light
Beat the blackest, eternal dark ?

No victim here, no murdering grudge,
Nor in any case of assisted suicide.
No victim perhaps, but surely a judge,
With a capital sentence to decide.

Case closed, you may say,
You should consider anew.
Pity killed my cat today,
Tomorrow, could it be you ?

-Phil Andrews