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Chairperson: William R. Martin
We have developed a Monte Carlo method that calculates
multiple perturbation effects in the eigenvalue (K) of the
Boltzmann transport equation for neutrons from a single Monte Carlo simulation.
Two Monte Carlo techniques, source iteration and fission matrix approaches, have been
described. We have shown that subtracting two independent Monte Carlo
simulations for eigenvalue perturbation calculation encounters difficulties.
It is necessary to utilize some type of Monte Carlo perturbation technique.
We have shown that the combination of the correlated sampling
and source iteration methods encounters difficulties in calculating eigenvalue
perturbations. When the correlated sampling approach is
combined with the fission
matrix approach, it can successfully evaluate eigenvalue perturbations.
We have implemented the idea of performing Monte Carlo simulation
in an artificial reference system. Utilizing the fission matrix approach,
correlated sampling, and an
artificial reference system, we have developed the multiple perturbation
technique. The actual simulation is done in an
artificial reference system and all the perturbed and unperturbed systems'
fission matrices are correlated to that reference system. At the end of the
simulation, the dominant eigenvalue of the unperturbed
and all perturbed fission matrices are evaluated
numerically. This provides us with multiple
Ks from a single Monte Carlo
simulation. We have tested this method for different test problems and the results
compared well with that of the TWODANT SN transport code. This method
allowed significant
savings in computational effort.
We have implemented fixed source and eigenvalue algorithms for neutron transport
on three different parallel machines, the
BBN Butterfly, KSR-1, and IBM-SP2. We have addressed the
issue of parallel random number generators and showed how the fixed source
and eigenvalue parallel algorithms differ.
Theoretical models for speedups have been developed and have compared well with the
observed speedups. Close to linear speedups were
observed for many of the test problems.
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Amitava Majumdar