Some publications posted on the Web:

  1. I. Zaslavsky, A. Gupta, R. Marciano, C. Baru, 2000. "XML-based Spatial Data Mediation Infrastructure for Global Interoperability". The 4th Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference, March 2000. [html]
    (will appear in Proceedings of the 6th EC-GI and GIS Workshop)
  2. A. Gupta, I. Zaslavsky, R. Marciano, 2000. "Generating Query Evaluation Plans within a Spatial Mediation Framework". In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Beijing, China. [pdf]
  3. A. Gupta, R. Marciano, I. Zaslavsky, C. Baru,, 1999. "Integrating GIS and Imagery through XML-Based Information Mediation". In P. Agouris and A. Stefanidis (Eds.) Integrated Spatial Databases: Digital Images and GIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1737 (a preliminary version, presented at NSF International Workshop on Integrated Spatial Databases in June’99, is available here: [pdf]
  4. Zaslavsky, I., and Stewart, K. 1998. "Lecturing over the Web: Traditional Tools in the New Environment. Electronic Journal for Learning Enhancement, Vol.2 (
  5. Zaslavsky, I., and Baker, K. 1998. "The Experimental Web-based Interactive Environment in Distance Teaching of GIS and Geographic Data Handling" Proceedings of the 1998 ACSM Annual Convention and Exhibition (Baltimore, MD, March 1-5), Vol. 2, pp. 437-446. (downloadable from
  6. Zaslavsky, Ilya. 1997. "Reasoning-Based Strategies for Processing Complex Spatial Queries" Proceedings of the 1997 ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention and Exposition (Seattle, WA, April 7-10), Vol. 5 (Auto-Carto 13), pp. 106-115. [pdf]
  7. Zaslavsky, Ilya. 1995. "Analysis of Association between Categorical Maps in Multi-Layer GIS". Proceedings of GIS/LIS’95 (Nashville, TN, November 14-16, 1995), Vol. 2, pp. 1066-1074. [pdf]
  8. Zaslavsky, Ilya, and Naimark, Naum. 1999. "Development of the Urban Planning Cadastre in Russia".In: Geographical Information and Planning,J. Stillwell, S. Geertman, S. Openshaw (Eds.), Springer-Verlag; pp. 154-169. [pdf]
  9. Zaslavsky, I. 2000. "A New Technology for Interactive Online Mapping with Vector Markup and XML". Cartographic Perspectives, # 37 (Fall 2000), pp. 12-24. [pdf]
  10. Zaslavsky, I., B. Ludäscher, A. Gupta and R. Marciano. 2000. Accuracy Mediation in a Spatial Wrapper-Mediator System. 1st Geographic Information Science Conference (Savannah, GA, October 2000). Extended abstract. [pdf] [pdf, local copy]
  11. Goldbaum, M. H., A. Gupta, V. Kouznetsova, I. Zaslavsky, A. Hoover and D.J. Nazafi. 2000. "General Medical Image Description Grammar for Images of the Ocular Fundus", Meeting of the American Association of Ophthalmologists, Poster. [pdf]
  12. Martone, M. E., A. Gupta, B. Ludäscher, I. Zaslavsky and M. Ellisman. 2000. "From Molecules to Brains: Navigation through Multiresolution Data Using Knowledge-Based Mediation." Conference on Web Accessible Databases And Analytical Tools for Neuroscience Research (New Orleans, November 2000). Abstract. [html]

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