SDSC Intro to Visualization on Gordon



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Scientific Visualization: Concept, Execution and Ubiquitous Access

This workshop is past. Here are links to recordings and material:

Session 1: Lecture (60 Mb MP4)

Session 2: VisIt Introduction (162 Mb MP4)

Sessions 3-4: Remote Visualization, SeedMe (68 Mb MP4)

SciVis Tutorial (PDF)


Scientific Visualization: Concept, Execution and Ubiquitous Access
Visualization is largely understood and used as an excellent communication tool by researchers. This narrow view often keeps scientists from fully using and developing their visualization skillset. This tutorial will provide a "from the ground up" understanding of visualization and its utility in error diagnostic and exploration of data for scientific insight. When used effectively visualization can provide a complementary and effective toolset for data analysis, which is one of the most challenging problems in computational domains. This tutorial aims to bridge these gaps by providing attendees with fundamental visualization concepts, execution tools, customization and usage examples. Finally, a short introduction to will be provided, SeedMe enables easy automation and sharing of visualization and other results.
The tutorial will comprise of four closely related sessions as follows
1) Visualization fundamentals: Lecture
2) Hands on Visualization with VisIt on your computer
3) Remote visualization with VisIt on Gordon cluster at SDSC. We will provide training accounts.
4) Short hands on demo for

Level: Beginner

Prerequisites: Please make sure you download and install all software and data mentioned below ahead of tutorial. 

1. Computer,  mouse  with  scroll  wheel  (Laptops with touch pads  are clunky for 3D navigation and will slow you down significantly)

2. VisIt software version 2.5.2. Yes this is bit older, but we need it for remote vis on Gordon. Do not bother with compilation, use executables/installers

3. Download Gordon host profile for Visit from Unzip and copy this file to Linux/Mac ~/.visit/hosts folder or Windows: My Documents/VisIt/hosts folder. You will need to run VisIt once to create this folder in users directory.

4. Download Sample Data: . Unzip to your Desktop.

5. Account on which enables you to share visualizations easily. Download corresponding tool from for uploading content.