Rich Data Sharing for HPC Users

Remote event

HPC users have a recurring need to share preliminary and transient results with their collaborators. Often the collaborators either don’t have access to the HPC cluster or find it cumbersome to access these systems, then find and fetch the shared information. The HPC users are then burdened to develop an ad-hoc data sharing mechanism that includes managing and updating results from cluster to their desktop and from desktop to another file sharing service. Furthermore, additional information about the computation context is sent via emails. This spread of information between systems, people and services becomes harder to manage over time and creates impediments to research progress and collaboration.

This webinar will introduce HPCShare a web-based resource for SDSC’s HPC users to easily share light data (small/medium scale) and overcome pitfalls noted earlier. The webinar will provide hands on training to move, share, annotate and present your data to/from Expanse. Attendees will gain familiarity and practical know-how about the following:
1. Overview of SeedMeLab data management system
2. Registering and inviting collaborators on HPCShare
3. Usage from web browser – Data transfer, adding annotations, comments, sharing and inviting others
4. Command line usage from Expanse – Data transfer, adding annotations, scripting
5. Usage & setup tips from other resources

About SeedMeLab
SeedMeLab is a branded scientific data management system for your project or lab. It is uniquely geared for research teams struggling with intractable data organization and data access. It was recognized with a 2020 R & D 100 award and is available as Open-Source software and a managed service.


Amit Chourasia

Senior Visualization Scientist, SDSC