Science Gateways

Science gateways are web-based, community-developed interfaces that provide researchers with access to resources and tools

A science portal or science gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications, and data that are integrated through a web-based portal or a suite of applications. They provide scientists with access to many of the tools used in cutting-edge research—telescopes, seismic shake tables, supercomputers, sky surveys, undersea sensors, and more. Such gateways connect often diverse resources and make them easily accessible in ways that save researchers and institutions both time and money.

A single portal or gateway can give thousands of users access to current, optimized versions of analysis codes at any time. Codes with a large user base can be used by thousands of scientists through a single installation, rather than through hundreds of local installations. Researchers can focus on their scientific goals without having to know how supercomputers and other data cyberinfrastructures work. Gateways also help foster collaborations and the exchange of ideas among researchers.

Science portals and gateways have shown tremendous growth in terms of the number of users, the number of processing hours used on HPC resources by the broader user community, and in the number of published research papers enabled. Gateways can also be readily used for teaching classes, workshops, and tutorials without having to set up codes on HPC resources, or create new accounts for students/attendees.

SDSC provides science gateway services through the the Stack Science Division.


Services include:

Building and Running Gateways

  • Software developers offer their expertise in building or enhancing an existing gateway in the areas of graphic design, cybersecurity, business and sustainability planning, and user engagement.
  • Free hosting allowing gateway builders to test frameworks.

Community Resources and Networking

  • A growing collections of searchable and browsable gateways.
  • A community forum to post questions and receive relevant information.
  • Other online resources including publications, case studies, and materials.
  • An annual Gateways Conference Series that lets developers and researchers interact and share their knowledge and gateways experiences.

Education and Training

  • SCGI Focus Weeks: A week-long workshop that teaches teams how to effectively design, build, and sustain science gateways.
  • Webinars: A rotating selection of topics of interest.
  • Student Programs and Engagement: Opportunities for students and faculty through workshops and internships, with a focus on assisting underrepresented groups and minority-serving institutions.