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For current SDSC customers only

Data center support

(858) 534-5090

Available 24/7 for current SDSC customers only


If you think you have a security incident that involves SDSC, please send an email to security-at-sdsc-dot-edu. Please provide contact information for yourself, and whatever supporting information that you can that indicates that SDSC system(s) are involved.

If you have a emergency that requires immediate contact (e.g. an SDSC host is actively attacking one of your systems), send email as above and call SDSC operations at +1-858-534-5090. Be prepared to provide contact information as we will be calling you back. And please be sure that your situtation is an emergency, we don't like false alarms any more than anyone else.

SDSC National HPC Resources: Expanse and Voyager
As an ACCESS computing resource, Expanse and Voyager are accessible to ACCESS users who are given time on the systems. To obtain an account, users may submit a proposal through the ACCESS Allocation Request System or request a Trial Account.

SDSC Cloud Storage & Compute
Information on creating and managing SDSC Cloud Storage and SDSC Cloud Computing accounts.

Get current alerts and up-to-date information about SDSC and UC San Diego resources and services on the Data Center Status page.

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Get started with HPC resources

Submit a Support Ticket

SDSC Services and TSCC
For SDSC non-HPC support and Triton Shared Computing Cluster (TSCC) support, contact us via email. For current SDSC customers only.


SDSC National HPC Resources
For Expanse and Voyager support, open a help ticket within the ACCESS ticketing system.