HPC/CI Training Series

Remote event

SDSC’s High Performance Computing (HPC)/ Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Training Series was developed to support UC San Diego undergraduates and graduates interested in furthering their knowledge of HPC concepts and hands-on training, as well as, building a team interested in competing in the Student Cluster Competition held at the annual International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC). This program is available to any who are interested in advancing their knowledge and experience on HPC systems and concepts.

This program is offered in two sessions, the first to support parallel programming concepts, the second to provide tools for programmers. Participants can register for one or both sessions.

Who should attend? This program is designed to help undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in learning more about HPC and CI. However, anyone from any discipline is welcome to join.

What to expect? Lecture with a mix of hands-on training on SDSC’s supercomputer, Expanse

The program is scheduled to be hosted every Friday from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Pacific time).

Thank you for your interest to our program. Unfortunately, both sessions have reached capacity. Sessions will be recorded and made available on this page when available.

Session 1 (01/14/22 – 03/04/22) REGISTRATION CLOSED
Learn about tools and computing concepts necessary for HPC and CI systems

  • Week 1: Program Orientation, history, plan; Registration process & accounts 
  • Week 2: Parallel Computing Concepts; HPC overview & Expanse Architecture 
  • Week 3: Data Management; Job Submission - Queues and batch scripting 
  • Week 4: Introduction to Singularity Containers
  • Week 5: Introduction to Software Containers and Kubernetes
  • Week 6: Running Secure Jupyter Notebooks on HPC Systems Interactive Computing 
  • Week 7: Introduction to Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks, and Deep Learning & Introduction to Using TensorFlow and PyTorch on Expanse
  • Week 8: Cloud Computing (Jetstream); Intro to Azure, Oracle, other clouds 

Session 2 (04/01/22 – 05/06/22) REGISTRATION CLOSEDIn-depth knowledge of tools with hands-on training utilizing SDSC’s Expanse system

  • Week 9: Visualization using Jupyter Notebooks (pandas, to see Lustre data sets, Matplotlib, Bokeh, SeaBorn)
  • Week 10: CPU Computing: Introduction to OpenMP/Threads
  • Week 11: CPU Computing: Introduction to MPI
  • Week 12: CPU profiling with gprof and uProf
  • Week 13: Introduction to GPU computing, programming and profiling with CUDA, OpenACC, and NSight
  • Week 14: GPU Computing with Python (Numba, CuPy, and RAPIDS)

 *Note: Topics and schedule are subject to slight adjustments