Introduction to Data Visualization on XSEDE Systems

Date: October 9, 2018

Jeff Sale, SDSC/XSEDE Staff

This 2-hour* webinar provides an introduction to data visualization for users of XSEDE systems and those who want to know more about general principles of data visualization. Jeff Sale provides an introduction to data visualization principles and practices. plus some hands-on demonstrations running visualization jobs on SDSC's Comet supercomputer using a VisIt client and a brief demonstration of using the XSEDE visualization portal hosted at the Texas Advanced Computing Center. Topics covered will include:

Introduction: what is visualization?
Why do we need visualization? 
Overview of the visualization workflow
Fundamentals of visualization principles
Hands-On Demonstration: Using VisIt to run jobs on SDSC's Comet
Brief demonstration of the XSEDE Visualization Portal

*Authentication issues with the TACC Visualization Portal cut this webinar short. Another webinar is planned soon. 

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Related Resources

Comet User Guide

Running VisIt on Comet: Hands-On Tutorial

TACC Visualization Portal