News: 2008 Archive

Blue Ribbon Task Force Report: Economic Plans Needed to Preserve Valuable Digital Data

UC San Diego Researchers Use Metagene 'Portraits' to Reveal Distinct Stages of Kidney Formation

San Diego Supercomputer Center Director Offers Tips on Data Preservation In the Information Age

SDSC-Led Team Sets Records in Simulating Seismic Wave Propagation Across the Earth

"Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" Game Provides Clue to Efficiency of Complex Networks

Virtual Screening Leads to Real Progress in Drug Design

UC San Diego Goes "Green" at SC08

UC San Diego to Lead Neuroscience Information Framework

San Diego Supercomputer Center and UCSD Announce 'Triton Resource'

San Diego Supercomputer Center Dedicates New 'Green' Campus Building

New Center for Study of Human Origins Opens in San Diego

Fatal Protein Interactions May Explain Neurological Diseases

SDSC and Interactive Supercomputing Inc. to Host Advanced Star-P Parallel Programming Workshop on October 6

'SciVee' Science Site Launches the Research Community's First 'Postercast' Capability

San Diego Supercomputer Center Director Urges Academia to Make Cyberinfrastructure "Real"

GeoEarthScope Northern California Airborne LiDAR Topography Data Now Available

UC San Diego Researchers Identify Potential New Drug Candidates to Combat "Bird Flu"

SDSC to Host Summer Seminar Series on Supercomputing

Victorian Premier Brumby Announces Plans During SDSC Visit to Build World's Largest Life Sciences Supercomputer Facility

Optical Network is Key to Next-Generation Research Cyberinfrastructure

Michael L. Norman Appointed Chief Scientific Officer of SDSC

Groundbreaking Research Study to Measure "How Much Information" Is in the World

SDSC Hosts NSF-Sponsored Graduate Program Focused on Supercomputing Skills

SDSC, UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis Join to Release Kepler Workflow System

California Assemblyman Tours SDSC

There's a Hole in My Bucket - and in the Data as Well!

Anita Borg Institute Auctions Lunch Meeting with SDSC Director Fran Berman

Chronopolis Project Launched Under Library of Congress Partnership to Preserve At-Risk Digital Information

Protein Data Bank Archives 50,000th Molecule Structure

April 18 Application Deadline Set for TeraGrid Compute, Storage and Other Resources

J. Andrew McCammon Receives American Chemical Society's 2008 National Award for Computational Chemistry

Would You Like a Large Shake with that Little Mac?

A Tangled Web: MIT's CEE Researchers Use Supercomputer Modeling to Unravel the Secrets of Spider Silk's Strength

SDSC Debuts 'Image of the Month' Series

Supercomputer Unleashes Virtual 9.0 Megaquake in Pacific Northwest

Introducing the Next Generation Biology Workbench, Version 1.0

SDSC Image of the Internet Universe on Display at New York's Museum of Modern Art

9-1-1 Call Analysis Offers Potential for Early Warning System

Taming the Data Deluge with the New Open Source iRODS Data Grid System

It's All About Geometry: Protein Contact Surfaces Hold Key to Cures

DOE Awards Supercomputing Time to UCSD, SDSC Researchers

UC San Diego Joins The Green Grid
