
San Diego Supercomputer Center Welcomes Natalie Meyers to Research Data Services

Published August 06, 2023

Kimberly Mann Bruch

Natalie Meyers, a professor of the practice at the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society at the University of Notre Dame, has recently been selected to serve as a computational and data science research specialist for the Research Data Services (RDS) group at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego. Meyers' research focuses on FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible) data management, software preservation and sharing for model-driven research. She will be providing support on an array of research projects for RDS and the GO FAIR US Office – including the implementation of FAIR principles and integration with the Open Science Data Federation (OSDF) for the National Science Data Fabric (NSDF) project.

“We are excited to welcome Natalie to the SDSC team, and we are delighted to benefit from her expansive knowledge of FAIR implementation – her expertise is at a deep, technical level,” said RDS Director Christine Kirkpatrick. “She comes at the right time in the NSDF project as we work with OSDF to add higher level, FAIR data services to the already robust data federation.” 

Additionally, Kirkpatrick said that Meyers will work on specific FAIR and open science projects and will take the lead on coordinating and facilitating future GO FAIR US collaborations in Latin America.

“Each project we work on becomes part of a connected internet of FAIR data and services,” Meyers said. “That’s what makes this a great time to work on implementing re-useful open science infrastructure.”

Meyers also serves as team co-lead for the European Open Science Cloud/Research Data Alliance Artificial Intelligence and Data visitation working group’s AI Bill of Rights effort. Prior to joining Notre Dame, she was co-owner of Content Innovations, LLC, a California-certified woman-owned small business in San Francisco and before that worked as a programmer analyst and GIS specialist at UC Berkeley, where she also received her Masters in Library and Information Systems (MLIS) with a concentration in Systems Analysis and Database Design. She holds an MA in English from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.


Media Contact

Kimberly Mann Bruch
SDSC Communications
(858) 822-6673