Reagan Moore, co-director of San Diego Supercomputer Center's (SDSC) Data and Knowledge Systems (DAKS) program, gave a presentation on "Real-life Experiences with Data Grids" at the recent DOE Science Computing Conference in Arlington, Virginia.
Published August 4, 2003
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of <br/>Texas at Austin, a resource partner within the NPACI Grid, <br/>has begun installation of a terascale high-performance computing <br/>cluster. The cluster, to be named Lonestar, will help advance <br/>innovative research in computational science, engineering, <br/>and technology.
Published August 1, 2003
GlobusWORLD 2004 will be held January 20-23, 2004, at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco, California. The event comprises three full days of extensive and intensive training and information on Grid computing. The theme of the conference will be the Globus Toolkit, the open-source solution for Grid computing that is a key element of NPACKage and the TeraGrid.
Published July 30, 2003
SDSC's Director of Visualization Mike Bailey will be a busy man at this year's SIGGRAPH computer graphics convention. As he has done in previous years, Bailey will teach the day-long "Introduction to Computer Graphics" course, which is one of the most popular attractions of the conference. Bailey also will be one of four computer visualization experts to teach a second, half-day course, "3D Hardcopy: Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models."
Published July 30, 2003
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego has released the initial version of the SKIDLkit data mining toolkit, giving scientific users a user-friendly set of advanced data mining capabilities. In developing SKIDLkit, researchers in the SDSC Knowledge and Information Discovery Lab (SKIDL) focused on end-to-end applications in close collaboration with discipline scientists in Earth systems science, medical science, and monitoring the safety of civil infrastructure such as highway bridges.
Published July 30, 2003
Published July 28, 2003
SDSC's Director of Visualization Mike Bailey will be a busy man at this year's SIGGRAPH computer graphics convention. As he has done in previous years, Bailey will teach the day-long "Introduction to Computer Graphics" course, which is one of the most popular attractions of the conference. Bailey also will be one of four computer visualization experts to teach a second, half-day course, "3D Hardcopy: Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models," which draws on his work with rapid prototyping systems in SDSC's Design Visualization Laboratory (
Published July 23, 2003
SDSC's Chaitan Baru, codirector of SDSC's Data and Knowledge Systems (DAKS) program, gave an invited talk at the Twelfth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC) meeting, held in conjunction with the Global Grid Forum (GGF) in Seattle.
Published July 21, 2003
This week's official release of the Globus Toolkit, 3.0 (GT3) is a milestone in the evolution of Grid computing, which lets people share computing power, databases, and other tools securely online across corporate, institutional, and geographic boundaries without sacrificing local autonomy. GT3 is the first full-scale implementation of Grid software compliant with the Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) version 1.0, a new specification that the Globus Project played a key role in defining.
Published July 17, 2003
Published July 17, 2003
Published July 15, 2003
For the past several years, the HPWREN team has been collaborating with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Initially, the Sheriff's Department provided the HPWREN team access to several of their remote communications sites throughout the county, which greatly helped with the buildout of the HPWREN backbone network.
Published July 11, 2003
Published July 11, 2003
The SC2003 conference on high-performance networking and computing is seeking poster presentations reporting late-breaking experimental or theoretical results, innovative designs, and case studies related to high-performance networking and computing.
Published July 11, 2003
Published July 11, 2003
Published June 26, 2003
Published June 25, 2003
Published June 24, 2003
Published June 23, 2003
Published June 20, 2003
Published June 20, 2003
Published June 19, 2003
Published June 19, 2003
Published June 19, 2003
Published June 19, 2003
Judges recently named the two winners of the 2003 Computational Science Olympics, with the two top student entries from San Diego State University (SDSU) focused on a frighteningly topical subject matter: bioterrorism. One of the two student groups that tied for first place simulated the spread of anthrax through a 100-story building. The other group investigated the effectiveness of smallpox inoculation programs against a bioterror attack on a population of 100,000 people, a small city approximately the size of Bismarck, North Dakota.
Published June 19, 2003
Published June 16, 2003
Published June 13, 2003
Published June 12, 2003
Published June 11, 2003
Published May 29, 2003
Published April 8, 2003
Published March 10, 2003
Published February 27, 2003
Published February 19, 2003
Published February 12, 2003
Published January 24, 2003
Scientists at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD analyzing traffic to one of the 13 Domain Name System (DNS) "root" servers at the heart of the Internet found that the server spends the majority of its time dealing with unnecessary queries.
Published January 23, 2003
Published January 16, 2003