A blue ribbon task force, commissioned to identify sustainable economic models to provide access to the ever-growing amount of digital information in the public interest, has issued its interim report. The report calls the current situation urgent, and details systemic pitfalls in developing economic models for sustainable access to digital data.
Published December 16, 2008
A multi-disciplinary team at UC San Diego has used novel computational methods to gain insight into kidney formation.
Published December 10, 2008
A team led by researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego has successfully completed record-setting, petascale-level simulations of the earth's inner structure, paving the way for seismologists to model seismic wave propagations at frequencies of just over one second - the same frequencies that occur in nature.
Published November 24, 2008
As the global population continues to grow exponentially, our social connections to one another remain relatively small, as if we're all protagonists in the Kevin Bacon game inspired by "Six Degrees of Separation," a Broadway play and Hollywood feature that were popular in the 1990s.
Published November 17, 2008
Around 150,000 people per year get African sleeping sickness, and only one new drug has appeared in the past 50 years to treat it. A team led by computational biologist J. Andrew McCammon of the University of California, San Diego, using resources at the San Diego Supercomputer Center may offer a solution.
Published November 14, 2008
The San Diego Supercomputer Center and two other UC San Diego entities are combining forces to showcase "green" technologies this month at SC08, the leading international conference on high-performance computing, networking, storage and analysis.
Published November 14, 2008
The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has received a $10 million contract from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to enhance and maintain the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) - a dynamic inventory of web-based neurosciences data, resources, and tools that scientists and students can access via any computer connected to the Internet.
Published October 24, 2008
In a collaborative study at the University of California, San Diego, researchers investigate how proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease interact to form unique complexes. Their findings explain why Alzheimer's patients might develop Parkinson's, and vice versa.
Published September 4, 2008
SciVee is adding an innovative new video feature called a "Postercast" that enables students and professional researchers alike to upload their poster and related video to create a synchronized presentation on the SciVee website.
Published August 26, 2008
In this month's EDUCAUSE Review, Dr. Fran Berman makes the case for investment in cyberinfrastructure as part of the "IT bill" for the Information Age.
Published July 29, 2008
All high resolution topography data acquired by the GeoEarthScope Northern California Airborne LiDAR project are now available for download to researchers, engineers, planners, students, and others via the GEON portal at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego.
Published July 14, 2008
UC San Diego scientists have isolated more than two dozen promising and novel compounds from which new "designer drugs" might be developed to combat avian flu.
Published July 2, 2008
UC San Diego scientists have isolated more than two dozen promising and novel compounds from which new "designer drugs" might be developed to combat avian flu.
Published July 2, 2008
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) announced today a weekly series of informal summer seminars covering a wide range of high-performance computing topics, including scientific workflow tools, an introduction to parallel computing, data applications and management, and portal design.
Published June 27, 2008
$100 million (AUD) supercomputer project will assist in discovering cures and therapies for life-threatening diseases such as cancer, brain disorders and flu pandemics.
Published June 17, 2008
In a featured keynote at the TeraGrid '08 Conference in Las Vegas, Calit2 Director Larry Smarr said that all the pieces are in place for a revolution in the usability of remote high performance computers to advance science, and that the last ten years have established the optical networks needed for this revolution, but the bottleneck is on the user's campus
Published June 11, 2008
The San Diego Supercomputer Center today announced the appointment of Michael L. Norman, distinguished professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego, to the new position of Chief Scientific Officer.
Published June 10, 2008
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, today announced a new study to quantify the amounts and kinds of information being produced worldwide by businesses and consumers alike.
Published June 3, 2008
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) announced today its 2008 internship and mentoring program specifically designed to train graduate students to incorporate the latest high performance computing (HPC) tools and techniques into their ongoing research.
Published June 3, 2008
The Kepler Project has announced Kepler 1.0, the first official release of the Kepler scientific workflow system that allows researchers across a wide range of disciplines to capture and execute scientific analyses and models that previously had to be managed under independent systems.
Published May 27, 2008
California Assemblyman Martin Garrick toured the San Diego Supercomputer Center and related areas of the UC San Diego campus on May 2 as part of the center's overall effort to brief elected officials on new systems and technologies that could have a positive impact on several state programs in the areas of education, emergency services, and transportation.
Published May 6, 2008
Researchers are plugging a hole in the data management process by creating a universally accepted cyberinfrastructure to study our most valuable natural resource -- water.
Published May 5, 2008
The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, an organization devoted to increasing the impact of women on all aspects of technology, is auctioning a two-hour luncheon meeting with Dr. Francine Berman, director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego.
Published May 5, 2008
Chronopolis is part of a new breed of distributed digital preservation programs using a virtual organizational structure in order to assemble the best expertise and framework to provide data longevity, durability and access well into the next century.
Published April 14, 2008
The Protein Data Bank this month reached a significant milestone in its 37-year history as the 50,000th molecule structure was released into its archive, joining other structures vital to pharmacology, bioinformatics, and education.
Published April 9, 2008
Scientists, engineers and other U.S. researchers can apply by April 18 for allocations of high-performance computer time, storage and systems resources available through the TeraGrid, a partnership of 11 nationwide sites, sponsored by the Office of Cyberinfrastructure of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Published April 9, 2008
J. Andrew McCammon, the Joseph E. Mayer Chair of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of California, San Diego, is the recipient of the American Chemical Society's 2008 National Award for Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research.
Published April 3, 2008
What began as a way to prevent damage to the hard drive from a dropped laptop has led to an innovative project that lets seismology and engineering students or researchers study, store and share data to better understand the science of structural dynamics - be it a gentle tap or a full blown temblor.
Published March 26, 2008
The strength of a biological material like spider silk lies in the specific geometric configuration of structural proteins, which have small clusters of weak hydrogen bonds that work cooperatively to resist force and dissipate energy, according to researchers with Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) department.
Published March 19, 2008
SDSC debuts the "Image of the Month" series with a computerized visualization of an enzyme associated with Avian influenza.
Published March 17, 2008
To help prepare for the next megathrust earthquake (magnitudes greater than 8), researchers used a supercomputer-powered "virtual earthquake" program to calculate for the first time realistic three-dimensional simulations that describe the possible impacts of megathrust quakes on the Pacific Northwest region.
Published February 26, 2008
SDSC has announced the release of the Next Generation Biology Workbench, version 1.0. The popular system, code named Swami, is a free Web resource accessed thousands of times per week by scientists and students in bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, and phylogenetics communities worldwide.
Published February 26, 2008
A visualization depicting a frozen moment of activity in the Internet universe using computer tools at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, will be part of a special exhibit set to open later this month at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Published February 20, 2008
Using 9-1-1 data from wildfires and other emergency situations, researchers have devised a method to analyze and visually display calls to detect specific patterns. Their ultimate goal: to assist in developing an early warning system and coordinate responses on a wider scale that could one day save lives and limit property damage.
Published February 13, 2008
In the Information Age, the deluge of data is bringing unprecedented challenges in organizing, accessing, sharing, and preserving digital information. To meet these challenges, the Data-Intensive Computing Environments group at SDSC has released iRODS, a powerful new open-source approach to managing digital data.
Published February 7, 2008
Your mother always told you to do your geometry homework, and for scientists seeking new treatments for diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, this advice turns out to be right on the mark.
Published January 31, 2008
The Department of Energy's Office of Science awarded a record 265 million hours of processor time to 55 new and renewed scientific projects.
Published January 18, 2008
UC San Diego has joined The Green Grid, a global consortium of companies dedicated to advancing energy efficiency in data centers and computing ecosystems.
Published January 7, 2008