News Archive

SDSC News Releases: 2009

  • NSF Awards SDSC, Arizona State University $1.7 Million for National OpenTopography LiDAR Facility

    SDSC and ASU have been awarded a $1.7 million grant to operate an internet-based national data facility for high-resolution topographic data acquired with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology.

    Published December 11, 2009

  • StarGate Demo at SC09 Shows How to Keep Astrophysics Data Out of Archival "Black Holes"

    As both an astrophysicist and director of SDSC, Mike Norman understands two common perspectives on archiving massive scientific datasets. During a live demonstration at the SC09 conference of streaming data simulating cosmic structures of the early universe, Norman said that some center directors view their data archives as "black holes," where a wealth of data accumulates and needs to be protected.

    Published November 20, 2009

  • SDSC, UC San Diego, LBNL Team Wins SC09 'Storage Challenge' Award

    A research team from the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego and the University of California's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has won the Storage Challenge competition at SC09.

    Published November 20, 2009

  • NSF Awards $20 Million to SDSC to Develop "Gordon"

    SDSC has been awarded a five-year, $20 million grant to build and operate a powerful supercomputer dedicated to solving critical science and societal problems now overwhelmed by the avalanche of data generated by the digital devices of our era.

    Published November 4, 2009

  • SDSC Dashes Forward with New Flash Memory Computer System

    Leveraging lightning-fast technology already familiar to many from the micro storage world of digital cameras, thumb drives and laptop computers, SDSC today unveiled a "super-sized" version - a "flash" memory-based supercomputer that accelerates investigation of a wide range of data-intensive science problems.

    Published September 1, 2009

  • San Diego Supercomputer Center Launches 'Triton Resource'

    The San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, today officially launched the Triton Resource, an integrated, data-intensive computing system primarily designed to support UC San Diego and UC researchers.

    Published August 5, 2009

  • Michael L. Norman Named Interim Director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center

    Today, SDSC announced the appointment of Michael L. Norman to the position of interim director. Norman succeeds Francine Berman, who announced plans in April to join the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as vice president of research.

    Published June 19, 2009

  • CARTA to Digitize Extensive Primate Collection This Summer

    To help trace the origins of the human species, and potential links to other primates, CARTA researchers will begin digitizing and examining skeletal specimens and related medical records this summer from more than two dozen chimpanzees.

    Published June 16, 2009

  • San Diego Supercomputer Center Selects First Vendors for 'Triton Resource'

    SDSC has selected the first round of vendors for its new Triton Resource, an integrated, data-intensive computing system primarily designed to support UC San Diego and UC researchers.

    Published May 13, 2009

  • Open Access Advocate Philip E. Bourne to Receive 2009 Benjamin Franklin Award

    Phil Bourne, a computational biologist and professor with UC San Diego, will be presented with the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Award this week in recognition of his efforts as a leading advocate for the free and open dissemination of science and scientific data.

    Published April 28, 2009

  • 'SciVee' Website Announces Upgrades, NIH Grant to Commercialize Resource

    SciVee, a Web 2.0 resource dedicated to the dissemination of scientific research and science-specific research networking, has completed a number of significant upgrades to its site, enabling faster uploads, improved synchronization, more accurate website searches, and the addition of 32 new science categories.

    Published April 14, 2009

  • SDSC Director to Speak at ACM Event in China

    SDSC director Fran Berman will visit China later this month, where she will speak about the challenges of managing the exponentially increasing amount of digital information, and how a coordinated cyberinfrastructure will accelerate solutions to societal challenges, such as predicting the effects of large-scale earthquakes.

    Published April 9, 2009

  • SDSC Director Fran Berman to Join Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as VP of Research August 1

    The San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego announced today that its director, Fran Berman, will be leaving to accept the position of Vice President of Research with the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, effective August 1.

    Published April 6, 2009

  • UC San Diego and IBM Launch Center for Next-Generation Digital Media to Power Tomorrow's Virtual Worlds

    Researchers at the University of California, San Diego today announced plans for a new campus center dedicated to inventing the next generation of virtual worlds, multiple player online games, and high fidelity digital cinema, using one of the world's most sophisticated computer servers -- the IBM System z mainframe.

    Published March 23, 2009

  • Greetings from the South Pole

    Returning to Antarctica eight months after a previous expedition, a research team led by Ken Smith, senior scientist with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), continues to study biogeochemical cycles around icebergs.

    Published March 23, 2009

  • SDSC to Host Two Workshops Bridging Humanities and High Performance Computing

    SDSC will host two 2-day workshops designed to promote ongoing collaboration between humanities scholars and high performance computing centers to capitalize on recent, significant advancements in digitally based information technologies.

    Published March 12, 2009

  • San Diego Supercomputer Center Completes Major Storage Upgrade

    The San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, has completed a comprehensive upgrade to significantly expand its tape-based archival storage capacity to a total 36 petabytes, or 36 thousand trillion bytes of information. The upgrade maintains the university's standing as having the largest archival storage capacity of any educational institution in the world.

    Published February 24, 2009

  • San Diego Supercomputer Center Begins Cloud Computing Research Using the Google-IBM CluE Cluster

    Researchers from SDSC have been awarded a two-year, $450,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to explore new ways to manage extremely large data sets hosted on massive, Internet-based commercial computer clusters, or what have become known as computing "clouds."

    Published February 13, 2009

  • San Diego Supercomputer Center Research Highlighted in New DOE Book

    A new book by the U.S. Department of Energy commemorating the agency's most significant scientific breakthroughs of the last decade includes the groundbreaking research by scientists at the San Diego Supercomputer Center to better understand the molecular mechanisms that cause Parkinson's disease.

    Published February 5, 2009

  • Supercomputing In The Humanities

    What exactly do humanities researchers want to do with the computers?

    Published February 2, 2009

  • DOE Awards Supercomputing Time to UC San Diego, SDSC Researchers

    Scientists from SDSC and other parts of UC San Diego were awarded supercomputing processor time by the U.S. Department of Energy as part of its 2009 Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program.

    Published January 13, 2009