News Archive

SDSC News Releases: 2010

  • DOE Awards Supercomputing Time to UC San Diego, SDSC Researchers

    Scientists from SDSC and UC San Diego were awarded supercomputing processor time by DOE as part of its 2011 INCITE program.

    Published December 2, 2010

  • SDSC-ASU's OpenTopography Facility Part of $4.4M NSF Award to Develop a GIS Framework

    The OpenTopography Facility will participate in a five-year, $4.4 million award from NSF to form a collaborative software framework for analysis of geographic data that will benefit many fields of research, from archaeology to urban planning.

    Published November 10, 2010

  • SDSC Part of DARPA Program to Deliver Extreme Scale Supercomputer

    SDSC will provide expertise to a multi-year technology investment program to develop the next generation of extreme scale supercomputers.

    Published November 4, 2010

  • SDSC Celebrates its 25th Year

    SDSC marked its 25th year, highlighting several scientific and technological accomplishments that include assisting researchers in developing new drugs for AIDS and cancer, predicting the impact of earthquakes, and determining the structures of key enzymes to increase the world's food supply.

    Published October 15, 2010

  • Philip E. Bourne Wins Microsoft's 2010 Jim Gray eScience Award

    Philip E. Bourne, a computational biologist and professor with the University of California, San Diego, is this year's recipient of Microsoft's Jim Gray eScience Award, for his contributions to data-intensive computing.

    Published October 15, 2010

  • SDSC Participates in First 'Census of Marine Life'

    After a decade of joint work involving 2,700 researchers from 80 countries, the world's scientists--as well as the general public--can now access the Census of Marine Life, which provides the first in-depth look at the more than 120,000 diverse species which inhabit our oceans.

    Published October 4, 2010

  • SDSC's Triton Resource Supercomputer Attracts 500+ Researchers in First Year

    Deployed in October 2009 by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) as an integrated, data-intensive computing system primarily to support UC San Diego and UC researchers, the <em>Triton Resource</em> is marking its one-year anniversary of service with a roster of more than 500 users across campus.

    Published September 30, 2010

  • Mapping New Paths for a Stressed-Out Internet

    SDSC and CAIDA, in a collaboration with researchers from Universitat de Barcelona in Spain and the University of Cyprus, have created the first geometric "atlas" of the Internet as part of a project to prevent our most ubiquitous form of communication from collapsing within the next decade or so.

    Published September 9, 2010

  • SDSC's CAIDA Internet Research Group Part of New NSF Awards

    A research project involving the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis has been selected by the National Science Foundation as part of a series of awards aimed at pursuing new and innovative ways to create a more trustworthy and robust Internet.

    Published September 2, 2010

  • Michael L. Norman Named Director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center

    Michael L. Norman has been named to the position of director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego. Norman's appointment is effective September 1, 2010.

    Published August 20, 2010

  • SDSC Leads Supercomputing Efforts in Creating Largest-Ever Earthquake Simulation

    Researchers at SDSC and San Diego State University have created a magnitude 8.0 earthquake simulation along the southern section of the San Andreas Fault. About 25 million people reside in that area, which extends as far south as Yuma, Arizona, and Ensenada, Mexico, and runs up through southern California to as far north as Fresno.

    Published August 19, 2010

  • NSF Awards SDSC $2.8 Million for Trestles System

    The National Science Foundation has awarded SDSC $2.8 million to build and deploy a new high-performance computer system called <em>Trestles</em>.

    Published August 19, 2010

  • SDSC to Host "Grand Challenges in Data-Intensive Discovery" Conference

    The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego, will host a special conference in late October as it prepares to deploy a unique data-intensive, high- performance computing (HPC) system called <em>Gordon</em> in mid-2011.

    Published August 2, 2010

  • SDSC Launches Computational Research Program for High School Students

    SDSC is launching a new volunteer internship program for high school students this summer to assist them in gaining experience in a particular area of computational research.

    Published June 28, 2010

  • SDSC, McGill University Win Awards to Design Ultra-Efficient 'Green' Data Center

    SDSC and a Canadian High Performance Computing consortium have been awarded grants to design an ultra-efficient data center as part of a program to promote green IT initiatives.

    Published June 9, 2010

  • Shankar Subramaniam Named Distinguished Scientist at SDSC

    Shankar Subramaniam has been named a Distinguished Scientist at SDSC to assist in identifying new opportunities and solutions in the area of bioinformatics.

    Published June 7, 2010

  • HPWREN Provides a Vital Link for New Data on Easter Sunday Earthquake

    In the weeks following the magnitude 7.2 Easter Sunday earthquake, many residents became acutely aware of every aftershock. For seismologists and geophysicists, it meant a wealth of new data - and new clues about whether this temblor could trigger a larger, more deadly earthquake along the densely populated San Andreas Fault.

    Published April 26, 2010

  • What's Next for HPC? HPD, Says SDSC Head

    As researchers in all major science domains struggle to keep up with the exponentially growing amount of digitally based data, the HPC (high-performance computing) community will evolve to include HPD, or high-performance data, to benefit researchers who need to access, analyze, and store extremely large data sets in significantly shorter amounts of time.

    Published February 24, 2010

  • HPWREN at 10: UC San Diego's Wireless Research and Education

    The vision transformed into a concept from atop a hill. More precisely a mountain, as Hans-Werner Braun looked off into the distance from Mount Woodson 10 years ago this month and imagined a network of wireless Internet connections crisscrossing this boulder-strewn landscape.

    Published February 22, 2010

  • SDSC's TeacherTECH Science Series Workshops to be Aired Locally, Nationally Starting March 1

    Beginning March 1, selected workshops from SDSC's widely acclaimed TeacherTECH Science Series will begin airing locally on UCSD-TV, and nationally on UCTV, the satellite channel for the University of California.

    Published February 22, 2010

  • Researchers Create Drug to Keep Tumor Growth Switched Off

    A novel - and rapid - anti-cancer drug development strategy has resulted in a new drug that stops kidney and pancreatic tumors from growing in mice.

    Published February 12, 2010

  • SDSC Announces First Round of Triton Research Opportunity (TRO) Grants

    SDSC has announced the first round of computer allocations under the Triton Research Opportunities program associated with the center's new Triton Resource, a data-intensive computing system primarily designed to support UC San Diego and UC researchers.

    Published February 10, 2010

  • DOE Awards Supercomputing Time to UC San Diego, SDSC Researchers

    Scientists from SDSC and other parts of the University of California, San Diego - conducting research in computer science, climate, biology, physics, engineering, and earthquake sciences - were awarded supercomputing processor time by the U.S. Department of Energy as part of its 2010 Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program.

    Published February 2, 2010

  • Blue Ribbon Task Force to Host Symposium on Economics of Sustaining Digital Information

    The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access will hold a one-day symposium convening a diverse group of speakers from the academic, private, and public sectors to discuss one of the most pressing issues of the Information Age: identifying practical solutions to the economic challenges of preserving today's deluge of digital data.

    Published February 1, 2010

  • SDSC Joins Other UC San Diego Departments, LLNL in Oncology Collaboration

    SDSC researchers have joined forces in a three-year, $1.5 million project to pursue novel applications of high-performance computing in radiotherapy.

    Published January 26, 2010

  • Participants Invited to Submit Papers, Abstracts for the 2010 TeraGrid Conference

    Participants can now submit papers and abstracts for the Science, Technology, Gateways, and Education tracks, and abstracts only for all other parts of the TeraGrid'10 conference, to be held August 2-5, 2010 in Pittsburgh.

    Published January 22, 2010