Christine Kirkpatrick, M.A.S.

Christine Kirkpatrick's Photo


  • Division Director - Research Data Services, SDSC
  • Head - GO FAIR US
  • Secretary General - CODATA
  • Principal Investigator - EarthCube Office
  • Principal Investigator - West Big Data Innovation Hub
  • Ex Officio Member - U.S. National Committee for CODATA for the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
  • Co-Chair - FAIR Digital Object Forum


Christine Kirkpatrick leads the San Diego Supercomputer Center’s (SDSC) Research Data Services division, which manages large-scale infrastructure, networking, and services for research projects of regional and national scope. Her duties also include a leadership role on the Schmidt Futures Foundation and NSF-funded Open Storage Network and as leader of the Data Core for the NIH-funded Metabolomics Workbench, a national data repository for metabolomics studies. Her research in computer science has centered on improving machine learning processing through research data management techniques. In addition to being PI of the EarthCube Office (ECO), Kirkpatrick founded the US GO FAIR Office, is PI of the West Big Data Innovation Hub, and Co-PI on an NSF Accelnet: Designing a Water, Data, and Systems Science Network of Networks to Catalyze Transboundary Groundwater Resiliency Research. She serves as the Secretary General of the International Science Council's Committee on Data (CODATA), co-Chairs the FAIR Digital Object Forum, is on the external Advisory Board for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Nordic, and the National Academies of Sciences’ U.S. National Committee for the Committee on Data.


  • Research Data Management
  • FAIR/FAIR Digital Objects
  • Infrastructure
  • Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Current Projects

  • EarthCube Office - Benefitting geoscientists and the wider research community through tools, methods, standards, architectures, and community connections
  • West Big Data Innovation Hub - Inclusive community for catalyzing and scaling data science for societal needs
  • Open Storage Network - Cyberinfrastructure service to address specific data storage, transfer, sharing, and access, challenges
  • GO FAIR US - Disseminates, supports and coordinates the recommendations and activities related to the adoption of the GO FAIR implementation networks in the U.S.
  • FAIR Digital Objects Forum - Organizing the International FAIR Digital Objects (FDO) Community

