Mark Miller, Ph.D.

Mark Miller's Photo


  • Principal Investigator - Biology, SDSC
  • Principal Investigator - CIPRES gateway, SDSC/XSEDE
  • Principal Investigator - Research, Education and Development Group


Mark Miller received his BS in Biology from Eckerd College in 1976, and his PhD in Biochemistry from Purdue in 1984. He came to UCSD for a postdoctoral position, and subsequently became research scientist at Monsanto/Kelco in San Diego. Through his work in these positions, he developed expertise in many areas of modern biology, publishing more than 40 papers in areas including phospholipid and steroid metabolism, eukaryotic cell biology, protein crystallography, heme enzyme structure: function relationships, electron transfer kinetics, and metabolic engineering. In 2000 he joined SDSC to explore the use of technology and robotics as part of the Joint Center for Structural Genomics. He founded the next generation tools for Biology Group at SDSC in 2003, and has worked since then to develop informatics tools and software that support Biological/Biomedical research. He is currently the lead of the CIPRES Science Gateway, a highly successful web site that provides browser-based access to high performance computers for thousands of researchers.


  • Structural biology/crystallography
  • Bioinformatics
  • Next-generation tools for biology
