Viswanath Nandigam, M.S.


  • Director -  Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Development Lab
  • Principal Investigator -  OpenTopography


Viswanath Nandigam is the director of the Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Development Lab at SDSC that harnesses cutting edge cyberinfrastructure to transform data into actionable knowledge and information. He is the principal investigator/co-investigator on multiple federally funded data intensive projects. His research interests include scientific data management and distribution platforms, data intensive application development, parallel and federated database systems, clinical data management systems and information integration.


  • Scientific data management
  • Data distribution platforms
  • Portal technologies
  • Parallel and federated database systems

Current Projects

  • OpenTopography:  Facilitates efficient access to topography data, tools, and resources to advance our understanding of the Earth’s surface, vegetation, and built environment