VMware Virtualization Hosting

What is Virtualization Hosting?

The SDSC Research Data Services (RDS) team offers virtual machines (VMs) to UC San Diego campus personnel, members of the UC community, and UC affiliates. By using this professionally curated VMware environment, users avoid the hassle of acquiring and maintaining physical servers while enjoying all the benefits of owning them.

Other advantages include:

  • Resiliency - virtual servers are built to withstand normal backend hardware exhaustion by shifting resources on the fly
  • Included system administration - acquiring a regular VM from SDSC effectively gives you both the server and the support team that updates and protects it.
  • Hostnames - SDSC RDS handles *.ucsd.edu and *.sdsc.edu hostname registrations for qualified users at no extra cost

Note: Users who need to meet PHI/PII or HIPAA compliance regulations should contact Sherlock at SDSC.

How Much Does A VM Cost?

ServiceUnitUC RateExternal Rate

VM - Basic
Base VM with 1 vCPU/2 GB RAM/100 GB storage

VM - Spec Upgrade
Upgrades can be requested in 1 vCPU or 1 GB RAM units.
VM - Storage
Additional storage added to base VM. Upgrades can be requested in 1 GB units.

Recharge rates are subject to change with approval from the UC San Diego Recharge Rate Committee.

IDC is waived for UC San Diego users, see Cloud Computer Services on UC San Diego's Blink.

Users may contact the SDSC RDS team to change their default snapshot retention periods. Additional charges may apply based on monitoring effort and amount of storage consumed. Effort is billed using Research Data Consulting rates. Storage consumed is billed using the "VM - Storage" rate listed above.

Users may contact SDSC RDS team to acquire additional Administration services to cover software issues, unmanaged server one-time Consulting services, etc. Additional charges may apply based on effort using the Research Data Consulting rates.

How Do I Get A VM?

Send a request to the SDSC RDS team at services@sdsc.edu.