News Archive

TeraGrid '06: Advancing Scientific Discovery - Call for Submissions

Published 03/06/2006

National Science Foundation Director Dr. Arden Bement will be the conference keynote speaker and Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier will be an invited keynote speaker for the first annual TeraGrid Conference -- TeraGrid '06, Advancing Scientific Discovery -- to be held in Indianapolis, Ind., June 12-15, 2006. TeraGrid '06 is calling for presentations, demonstrations, posters, and birds-of-a-feather. All interested individuals and organizations are invited to participate. Attendees will include scientists, researchers, faculty, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students, high school teachers, representatives from federal agencies, business and industry representatives involved in grid computing products and services, and TeraGrid resource providers. The Conference is also calling for student entries in two competitions, the TeraGrid CI-Impact Student Contest and the TeraGrid Student Research Competition. More information: