
EnVision - Spring 2006 (vol. 22 no. 1) Spring 2006
  • On the Path to a Petascale and Other Frontier Goals
  • SDSC Grows
  • A Star is Born
  • SDSC to the Data Storage Rescue
  • Virtual Propellers, Plumes, and Scramjets
  • Probing the Ultimate Building Blocks of Matter
EnVision - Fall 2005 (vol. 21 no. 1) Fall 2005
  • Data and Disaster
  • Building Katrina's Superlist
  • Tapping Plants for Fuel
  • Swami, the Next Generation Biology Workbench
  • The Elusive Neutrino: New Window on the Violent Universe
  • Faster Workflows: Scientific Workflow Automation with Kepler
  • The Big Picture: Buildings Mosaics of the Entire Sky
EnVision - Fall 2004 (vol. 20 no. 1) Fall 2004
  • Delivering Cyberinfrastructure, Enabling Discovery
  • TeraShake: Simulating the "Big One" on the San Andreas Fault
  • A New Star for Cyberinfrastructure
  • SDSC Helps Students Make Beautiful Music
  • SDSC Technologies Power SIOExplorer Oceanography Digital Library
EnVision - Fall 2003 (vol. 19 no. 3) Fall 2003
  • Tree of Life and Virtual Grid Development among Four ITR Awards to SDSC
  • NSF Middleware Projects Receive $9 Million
  • NSF Awards $1.2 Million to Extend PRAGMA Program
  • Teachers Bring Technology They Developed at SDSC to Their Classrooms
  • Texas Installs Lonestar Cluster
  • SDSC Education Department Efforts Recognized in SIGKids Awards
EnVision - Apr-Jun 2003 (vol. 19 no. 2) April-June 2003
  • SDSC Researcher Likes Augmented Reality View
  • NPACI Releases Updated Cluster Software
  • NSF Announces Cyberinfrastructure Initiative
  • Fran Berman Appointed to UCSD Endowed Chair
  • Phil Andrews and Jay Boisseau Elected to NPACI Executive Committee
  • Primate Resource Online at SDSC
  • SDSC Announces New IBM Data-Oriented Supercomputer
EnVision - Jan-Mar 2003 (vol. 19 no. 1) January-March 2003
  • The Encyclopedia of Life to Open New Chapter of Biological Discovery
  • Mining the Heavens: The National Virtual Observatory
  • Perserving Priceless Memories for the Library of Congress
  • Sapphire Internet Worm Shatters Speed Records
EnVision - Jul-Sep 2002 (vol. 18 no. 3)July-September 2002
  • Software the Goddess of Wisdom Would Have Aprreciated
  • Enhancing Research with Portals
  • Retooling Field Research-Wirelessly
EnVision - Apr-Jun 2002 (vol. 18 no. 2)April-June 2002
  • The Search for Life: Are We Alone?
  • Grid Middleware
  • Modeling Ecosystems
EnVision - Jan-Mar 2002 (vol. 18 no. 1)January-March 2002
  • Computational Medicine
  • Designing Personalized Hearing Devices
  • Supercomputers Fighting Cancer
  • Analyzing Brain Tissue
EnVision - Oct-Dec 2001 (vol. 17 no. 4)October-December 2001
  • Building Data Grids
    Biomedical Informatics Research Network to Improve Understanding of Brain Disorders
    Arriving Online: the National Virtual Observatory
    Preserving Electronic Records for Posterity
    Exporting an SDSC Data Tool to the United Kingdom
  • Terascale Computing
    SDSC's Blue Horizon Paints Electrostatic Landscapes of Cellular Structures
    Simulating the Formation of the Universe's First Star
    Simulations Uncover Suprises in Sun's Turbulent Interior
  • Education
    Building the Biggest Astronomy Lab on Earth
EnVision - Jul-Sep 2001 (vol. 17 no. 3)July-September 2001
  • Teragrid
    Transforming Research with High-Performance Grid Computing
    Decoding the Complex Messages of Cells
    Cluster-Management Software Developers Preparing for the TeraGrid
  • Undergraduate Educations
    NPACI-Supported Computational Physics Program at Oregon State Wins Support
    Student Researchers at PACI Campuses Make the Most of Their Summer Experiences
    eTEACH: New Technologies for Active Learning
    Faculty Fellows Learn High-Tech Teaching Techniques
  • Internet Securtiy
    Hot on the Trail of ‘Code Red’ Worms
  • Astronomical Database
    The Heavens Revealed in 10 Terabytes
  • Earth Science
    Fine-Tuned Atmospheric Model
    Simulates Hurricanes to Climate Change
    Seamounts: Window on Ocean Biodiversity
EnVision - Apr-Jun 2001 (vol. 17 no. 2)April-June 2001
  • NPACI Grid Computing
    Globus Opens Wide Gateway to Grid Resources
    Harnessing the Power of Grid Computing for Computational Astrophysics
    Folding Protein L: An NPACI Alpha Project Success
  • Solar and Stellar Dynamics
    Magnetic Explosions in Space: Simulating Substorms and Solar Flares
    Simulating Giant Waves in Newborn Neutron Stars
    Quiet Sun, Active Sun: Modeling the Solar Corona and the Inner Heliosphere
  • SDSC Research
    NBCR Group Builds a Demonstration Environment for Computational Chemistry
    Hands-On Planetary Geology
  • Education, Outreach, and Training
    Bridging the Gap: Envision Explore Engage Software Beta Released
    Girls are GREAT Program Expands to Texas
    Efforts to Boost Minority Involvement in SMET Disciplines Require Fundamental Change
    A Tradition Flowers: The Maria Goeppert Mayer Interdisciplinary Symposium at SDSC
EnVision - Jan-Mar 2001 (vol. 17 no. 1)January-March 2001
  • NPACI Data Discovery
    Re-inventing Scholarly Communication
    Federating and Correlating Sky Surveys
    Proteins, Dendrites, Neurons, and Brains
  • SDSC Collaborations
    The Bioinformatics Core of the Joint Center for Structural Genomics
    Designing the Technological Environment in Which Society Lives, Works, and Communicates
  • Fluid Dynamics
    Space Plasma Group Simulates Solar Storms with NPACI Resources
    From Nebulae to Fusion: Simulating Shockwaves in Turbulent Flows
    Oceans in Motion: The Emergence of Coherent Structures
  • Education, Outreach, and Training
    HPWREN Team Creates Wireless Broadband Network for Research and Education Applications
    Data-Intensive Computing Environments Applying DICE Technology to Education
EnVision - Oct-Dec 2000 (vol. 16 no. 4)October-December 2000
  • NPACI Alpha Projects
    Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Large-Scale Analyses
    Protein Folding in a Distributed Computing Environment
    Multi-Component Models for Energy and the Environment
    Demonstrating the Synergy of the Latest Grid Technologies for Telescience
    Scalable Visualization Toolkits for Brains to Bays
    Monte Carlo Cellular Microphysiology on the Grid
    Adaptive Computations for Fluids in Biological Systems
  • Materials and Fluids
    Movement on Semiconductor Surfaces
    Dancing Bubbles: Simulating Multiphase Flows
    Resolving a Mysterious Particle Attraction in Colloids
  • Education, Outreach, and Training
    UC San Diego and SDSC Partner with Industry to Help Bridge Digital Divide
    Envision, Explore, and Engage in Science with a Computational Perspective
EnVision - Jul-Sep 2000 (vol. 16 no. 3)July - September 2000
  • SDSC Research
    NBCR: Macromolecular Pattern Recognition and On-line Access to Molecular Biology Tools
    PlantsP Focuses Bioinformatics on Plant Genomics
    Combinatorial Extension Addresses Challenges of Structural Genomics
    Understanding Biodiversity through Environmental Informatics
    Putting Government Information at Citizens' Fingertips
    CAIDA Skitters across the Global Network
    Active Measures to Maintain a Healthy Network
    Shedding Light on 3-D Structures of Cells
  • Nanostructures
    Four Atoms and a Supercomputer
    Computing the Tree of Life Nanostructures
  • Molecular Science
    Toward Computational Cell Biology
    The Behavior of Molecules as Electronic Devices
  • Education, Outreach, and Training
    SDSC Summer Interns Gain Valuable Research Experience
    A Partnership for the Future: Girl Scouts and SDSC
EnVision - Apr-Jun 2000 (vol. 16 no. 2)April - June 2000
  • Grid Computing
    Telescience, Tomography, and the Grid
    Knowledge from Biological Data Collections
    GridPort Launches Computational Science Applications on the Web
    Building an Information Power Grid
    The Big Picture: Viewing Terascale Data Sets Interactively from the Desktop
  • Molecular Dynamics
    As Likely as Knot: Biopolymers under Stress
    Ironing out the Wrinkles of Protein Folding
  • Everyday Physics
    Turbulent Mixing up Close
    Extending the Limits of Magnetic Recording
  • Education, Outreach, and Training
    A Strong but Sensitive Computing Initiative for Native American Communities
    LEADing EOT-PACI Programs to National Success
EnVision - Jan-Mar 2000 (vol. 16 no. 1) January - March 2000
  • Terascale Horizons
    Expanding the Horizon for Academic Scientific Computing
    It's the End of the Galaxy as We Know It
    Predicting Molecular Properties with Dalton
    Quantum Chromodynamics with MILC
    Written in the Stars: Interpreting the Universe with PHOENIX
  • Biological Modeling
    Pursuing an End to Sudden Cardiac Death
    Determining Why Nature Needs Cholesterol
  • Fundamental Physics
    The Earth's Real Inside Story: Modulating the Geodynamo
    Nuclear Structure and the First Steps toward Supernovas
    Putting Quantum Electrodynamics to the Test
EnVision - Oct-Dec 1999 (vol. 15 no. 4) October - December 1999
  • Alpha Projects
    Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Large-Scale Analyses
    Protein Folding in a Distributed Computing Environment
    Telescience for Advanced Tomography Applications
    Multi-Component Models for Energy and the Environment
    Scalable Visualization Toolkits
  • User Research
    A Third Target in the Fight against AIDS
    Investigating Enzyme-Substrate Interactions with Vitamin B6
    Reacting Fuel Droplets in Combustion Engines
    The Leary Tetrahedron: Finding New Approaches to Global Optimization
    Galactic MPIRE: Flying through the Digital Galaxy
EnVision - Jul-Sep 1999 (vol. 15 no. 3) July - September 1999
  • Neuroscience
    Making Headway in Computational Neuroscience
    Algorithms and Codes for Refining and Linking Brain Data
    Neuron Modeling and Simulation
  • Data-Intensive Computing
    A Step Toward Universal Digital Library Services
    AMICO: The Art of Managing Art
    Heavens on Earth: The Digital Sky
    A Recipe for MIXing and Searching Online Information
  • User Research
    First Principles of Lighter, More Powerful Lithium Batteries
    The Microstructure of Bone in Tension and Compressions
    From the Inner Ear to the Stars in NPACI's Strategic Applications Collaborations
EnVision - Apr-Jun 1999 (vol. 15 no. 2) April - June 1999
  • Engineering
    Modeling Sound Waves and Electric Fields to Improve Hearing Aids and Aircraft Antennas
    IPARS: A New-Generation Framework for Reservoir Modeling
  • Metasystems
    A Worldwide Virtual Computer for an Advancing Legion of Applications
    Globus Links Environments for Scientific Discovery
    A Ripening Crop of AppLeS
    Forecasts from the Network Weather Service
  • Cosmology
    Splitting Stars in Binary Systems
    PARTREE and SCF: A Strategic Applications Collaboration for the Study of Galaxies
    When Galaxy Clusters Collide
EnVision - Jan-Mar 1999 (vol. 15 no. 1) January - March 1999
  • Earth Systems Science
    Toward a Global View of the Atmospheric Chemistry of Aerosols
    Biocomplexity and the Art of Planetary Management
    Crisis Management in Bays and Estuaries
  • Programming Tools and Environments
    Closing the Loop between Computation and Experiment
    Compiler Projects Help Overcome Challenges of Parallel Applications
    A Bridge for Exchanging Data within and between Parallel Applications
  • SDSC Research
    SDSC TeleManufacturing Facility: Solid Results, Tangible Benefits
    Understanding the Colors of Life: A Norway-California Collaboration
EnVision - Oct-Dec 1998 (vol. 14 no. 4) October - December 1998
  • Neuroscience
    Neuroscience Thrust Area Providing Access to Exploding Amount of Brain Data
    Road Maps for Understanding the Human Brain
    Making and Testing Neuron Models
  • Interaction Environments
    Visualization Tools to Guide Scientists Through Their Simulation Results
    Collaborating Amidst the Molecules
  • Biology
    RCSB to Apply Bioinformatics Expertise to Extending Capabilities of Protein Data Bank
    AMBER and NPACI: A Strategic Application Collaboration for Molecular Dynamics
EnVision - Jul-Sep 1998 (vol. 14 no. 3) July - September 1998
  • Earth Systems Science
    California Coastline Data and Analysis Accessible on the Web
    Chemistry and Dynamics of Ocean and Air in One Earth System Model
    Earth Systems Models Will Benefit from Remote Sensing Data Archives
    ESS Efforts Support Modeling, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Biodiversity
  • Metasystems
    Legion Provides Architecture for Operating System That Spans the Internet
    Globus: Around the World and onto Your Desktop
    AppLeS: Picking the Best Mix of Resources
    A Good Climate for Distributed Computing
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
    More Realistic Simulations Explain Aerodynamics of Experimental Aircraft
    Forecasts for the Weather of the Earth's Oceans
EnVision - Apr-Jun 1998 (vol. 14 no. 2) April - June 1998
  • Engineering
    Bridging Simulation Scales and Scientific Communities to Design Custom Materials
    Where Oil and Water Mix: Petroleum Recovery and Pollution Remediation
    Studying the Patterns of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves in and around the Human Head
  • Programming Tools and Environments
    Active Data Repository Accelerates Access to Large Data Sets
    Running Simulations with the Best Codes on the Best Machines for the Job
    Beyond MPI and HPF: KeLP Benefits Dynamic Structured Applications
  • Geosciences
    As the World Churns: Modeling Convection in the Earth's Mantle
    What is Under the East Pacific Rise?
    Nonlinear Models Will Help Reduce Loss of Life and Property from Strong Earthquakes
EnVision - Jan-Mar 1998 (vol. 14 no. 1) January - March 1998
  • Molecular Science
    Greater Computing Power and Collaboration Help Advance Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    Analyzing Rare Events and Transition Pathways in Chemical Dynamics
    MICE Will Benefit Drug Design, Biological Discovery, and Distance Learning
  • Data-intensive Computing
    SDSC's Storage Resource Broker Links NPACI Data-intensive Infrastructure
    Data Caches Form the Framework for Distributed Data-handling Testbed
    Integrated Digital Libraries Will Change How Research is Conducted
  • The Solar System
    Exploring the Mysteries of Planetary Atmospheres
    Forecasting the Weather in Space
    Jupiter's Winds: Vortex Pancakes versus Taylor Columns