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Volume 14 Number 2 April - June 1998

Application Thrust:

Bridging Simulation Scales and Scientific Communities to Design Custom Materials

Wheeler imageWhere Oil and Water Mix: Petroleum Recovery and Pollution Remediation

Studying the Patterns of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves in and around the Human Head

Technology Thrust:

toc-adrActive Data Repository Accelerates Access to Large Data Sets

Running Simulations with the Best Codes on the Best Machines for the Job

Beyond MPI and HPF: KeLP Benefits Dynamic Structured Applications

User Research:

MCellAs the World Churns: Modeling Convection in the Earth's Mantle

What is Under the East Pacific Rise?

Nonlinear Models Will Help Reduce Loss of Life and Property from Strong Earthquakes

The Back Cover:
Viscosity Field in Earth's Mantle

From the Director

NPACI Education Efforts Nurture Tomorrow's Scientific Discovery

Education, Outreach, and Training

Expanding the Pipeline for Minorities and Women into the Computational Science Community

Reconstructing the Center of Civic Life in Ancient Pompeii

News and Calendar

Online: News about the NPACI and SDSC Community

Minster and Altman Take Reins of NPACI Thrust Areas

PSC, CTC Data Archives Transferred to SDSC over Network and on Tape

NLANR Group at SDSC Awarded $2.08 Million to Analyze Network Traffic

DOCT Project Partners with National Archives and Records Administration

NPACI Installs Sun Enterprise Server 10000 at SDSC

SDSC Receives Multiprocessor Version of Tera MTA

NPACI Establishes International Affiliates Program

Strategic Applications Collaborations Will Enhance Computational Research

SDSC and Sun Microsystems Team to Teach Java 3D Course at SIGGRAPH 98

NPACI HotPage Promotes Easy and Efficient Use of Partnership Resources