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Volume 14 Number 3 July - September 1998

Africa close-upApplication Thrust:

California Coastline Data and Analysis Accessible on the Web

Chemistry and Dynamics of Ocean and Air in One Earth System Model

Earth Systems Models Will Benefit from Remote Sensing Data Archives

ESS Efforts Support Modeling, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Biodiversity

Technology Thrust:

Legion Provides Architecture for Operating System That Spans the Internet

Globus: Around the World and onto Your Desktop

AppLeS: Picking the Best Mix of Resources

A Good Climate for Distributed Computing

toc-grimshawUser Research:

More Realistic Simulations Explain Aerodynamics of Experimental Aircraft

Forecasts for the Weather of the Earth's Oceans

The Back Cover:
Real-time Coastal Data Acquisition

From the Director

Tomorrow's Scientific Discovery Requires Increased Funding for IT Research

Education, Outreach, and Training

Pursuing Critical Mass: The Coalition to Diversify Computing


Online: News for the NPACI and SDSC Community

Supercomputer Shows Role of Dynamics When Enzymes Link to Substrates

NPACI Computer Compares More than 8,000 Protein Structures; Database Already Turning Up Discoveries

CAIDA Receives DARPA Award to Lead Effort to Measure, Predict, and Engineer Internet Infrastructure

Japanese and U.S. Scientists Succeed in Trans-Pacific Operation of Ultra High Voltage Electron Microscope

New AlphaServer Continues SDSC's Partnership with Digital Equipment Corporation

SDSC Vislab Upgrades with SGI Onyx 2 and Octane Workstations

Award to Trace Center Will Help Make Technology Universally Accessible

NPACI Earns High Marks on First User Survey