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enVision 15(4): Oct-Dec 1999
Alpha Projects
User Research
DNA Helix in Water
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The Front Cover (97k JPEG)
NPACI's Bioinformatics Infrastructure alpha project is creating the tools to allow molecular biologists to conduct large-scale analyses of biomolecular structures, such as this fragment of DNA in water solute. Databases such as the Protein Data Bank, GenBank, and SWISS-PROT are growing rapidly, requiring the power of the computational grid for the most comprehensive studies. Chandler Wilkerson of the Institute for Molecular Design at the University of Houston, working with alpha project participant Montgomery Pettitt, created this view down the DNA helical axis lit from within. The image was rendered with Raster3D (Merritt and Bacon [1997] Meth. Enzymol. 277, 505-524. For more on the Bioinformatics Infrastructure alpha project, see the story on the Bioinformatics Infrastructure with NPACI.