2021 HPC User Training Series

Friday, January 22, 2021 - Friday, May 7, 2021

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT

This event will be held remotely.

Registration is now closed.

SDSC supports the training of its user community, including students, in all aspects of high-performance computing (HPC). The goal of the training is to prepare new HPC users to run jobs on HPC systems. The sessions are designed to introduce participants to a variety of HPC topics and skill development activities. This years agenda includes:

Session #1: January 22, 2021 - March 12, 2021

  • 1/22/2021: Program Orientation, history, plan ; Registration process & accounts; HPC overview & Expanse Architecture
  • 1/29/2021: Parallel Queues & Batch Scripting; Introduction to Applications (hello world, 2Djacobian)
  • 2/5/2021:GPU Computing and Programming
  • 2/12/2021:GPU Computing with CUDA Python
  • 2/19/2021:CPU Computing: Introduction to OpenMP/Threads
  • 2/26/2021:CPU Computing: Introduction to MPI
  • 3/5/2021:CPU Profiling, monitoring: CPU Profiling on Expanse
  • 3/12/2021:GPU Profiling, monitoring: nvprof, Nsight Systems, Nsight Compute

-- Session Break (3/19/2021 & 3/26/2021)

Session #2: April 2, 2021 - May 7, 2021

  • 4/2/2021: Containers for CPU and GPU Computing
  • 4/9/2021: Student Cluster Competition (SCC) 2021 Overview, Applications, Experiences; Running Secure Jupyter Notebooks on HPC Systems
  • 4/16/2021: Overview of Machine Learning Frameworks; Introduction to Deep Learning
  • 4/23/2021: Overview of Azure; Azure Dashboard; launching VMs; Running MPI code
  • 4/30/2021: Azure Functions for Scientists and Students
  • 5/7/2021: Interactive Visualization on HPC Systems Using Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Matplotlib, and Bokeh

Topics are subject to change