Resource Documentation

SDSC provides and supports a wide range of computing and data resources for the research community. These resources are available for use by the University of California researchers, to academic researchers in the U.S, and to industry affiliates.

NRP User Guide

The National Research Platform (NRP) is an innovative, all-in-one system—computing resources, research and education networks, edge computing devices and other instruments— designed as a testbed for science drivers as diverse as the platform itself to expedite science and enable transformative discoveries.

Expanse User Guide

Expanse is a dedicated Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) cluster designed by Dell and SDSC delivering 3,373 peak petaflops, offering Composable systems and Cloud bursting. Expanse began production in Fall 2020.

TSCC User Guide

UCSD's Triton Shared Computing Cluster (TSCC) is the successor to the UCSD Triton Resource. Unlike its predecessor, TSCC is funded directy through UCSD Research IT Services. This cluster uses a condo/hotel participation model with nodes available for purchase or rent. Potential new users may want to view the Condo Details page.

Comet User Guide

Comet is SDSC's petascale supercomputer designed to transform advanced scientific computing by expanding access and capacity among traditional as well as non-traditional research domains. With 1984 nodes and an overall peak performance of two petaflops, Comet began production in early 2015.

Gordon-Simons User Guide

A 1024-node resource with 64 TB DRAM, 256 TB of flash memory, and 4 PB disk storage. Gordon-Simons incorporates flash memory into its architecture, allowing it to solve data-intensive problems up to ten times faster. Formerly one of the XSEDE national systems resources, it transitioned to commercial use in April 2017.

Retired Resources (Compute, Data, Software)

A number of powerful and productive research resources have been replaced by newer, more powerful and productive systems over the years.