Fourth National Research Platform (4NRP) Workshop

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - Friday, February 10, 2023

Location: UC San Diego

The Fourth National Research Platform (4NRP) Workshop will once again bring together our networked research and education community, which has grown out of the NSF-funded Pacific Research Platform (PRP), Cognitive Hardware and Software Ecosystem Community Infrastructure (CHASE-CI), and Toward the National Research Platform (TNRP) grants. In the last year, these cyberinfrastructure Platforms have been integrated with the Prototyping the National Research Platform (PNRP) grant (Frank Würthwein, PI and 4NRP Program Chair) to form the National Research Platform (NRP). The PNRP grant will significantly help sustain the NRP for another 5-10 years and expand it nationally.  See event website for full details.