RDS Data Initiatives

SDSC's Research Data Services division, headed by Christine Kirkpatrick (Division Director, RDS, SDSC and Executive Director, US National Data Service), not only provides a suite of data science services (including custom compute solutions, storage for all purposes, research data management, etc.), but also supports data-driven research on a national level. Furthering the mission of the National Data Service (NDS), Christine has helped grow RDS's ability to enable scientists and researchers to find, reuse, and publish data by by winning NSF-funded projects such as the EarthCube Office and the West Big Data Innovation Hub, as well as establishing the first U.S. GO FAIR office at SDSC.


EarthCube was established by the NSF in 2011 to transform geoscience research by developing cyberinfrastructure to improve access, sharing, visualization, and analysis of all forms of geosciences data and related resources. In September 2019, the NSF awarded SDSC a 3-year grant to host the EarthCube Office.

The EarthCube Office (ECO) will be responsible for supporting EarthCube's core organizational units and governance including the Leadership Council, Technology & Architecture Committee, Science Committee, and Council of Data Facilities. ECO leads EarthCube community engagement and development activities, and serves to facilitate a data infrastructure ecosystem for geoscience research. Read more in the SDSC Press Release.


SDSC's Research Data Services division establishes the first U.S. GO FAIR office in February 2019 as a key component of their rapidly growing portfolio of high-end research data efforts.

The GO (Global Open) FAIR initiative is dedicated to implementing FAIR data principles to ensure that data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. SDSC's GO FAIR coordination office offers a new suite of FAIR data consulting including FAIR data stewardship plans, FAIR data endpoint hosting, and FAIRification of processes. FAIRification ensures that data is born FAIR and is able to be utilized by machine learning and AI technologies. Read more in the SDSC Press Release.

West Big Data Hub Innovation Hub

SDSC has continued the NSF-funded West Big Data Innovation Hub grant with Director Mike Norman as PI, and Christine Kirkpatrick as co-PI. There are four Big Data Innovation Hubs (Northeast, South, Midwest, West) that serve as a thought leader and convening force on social and economic challenges that are unique to the region.

The West Big Data Hub's mission is to build and strengthen partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to address societal and scientific challenges, spur economic development, and foster a national big data ecosystem. Thematic areas include metro/urban data science as well as natural resources and hazards (with a particular focus on water). The West Hub is a multi-institution collaboration between SDSC, UC Berkeley, and the University of Washington and serves the 13 western states from Montana to New Mexico and everything west,including Hawaii and Alaska. Read more in the SDSC Press Release.